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Fall 2024 Registration Is Now Open

Why Maranatha Bible College & Institute?

Maranatha Bible College & Institute (MBCI) has been serving the greater Cleveland area for over 40 years as a vehicle toward Biblical literacy. MBCI’s primary goal and objective is to assist local Churches in edifying Believers and preparing God’s People for Christian service—affordably.

Our Programs

Maranatha Bible College and Institute’s academic offerings are diverse, providing students with rich opportunities for exploration and specialization. With Fields of Study including Education, Books of the Bible, Theology, Bible Knowledge, and Electives, we tailor the educational experience to individual passions and interests. From Associate to Master's, our options are crafted to instill a comprehensive view of Christian principles, preparing students for impactful ministry and service. Rooted in our mission to glorify God, we aim to create an environment that nurtures potential, fostering a deep appreciation for God's Word in the pursuit of meaningful contributions in diverse fields of study.

Image by Sixteen Miles Out

Colossians 1:18

"And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence."

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