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Associate's Diploma Program

Books of the Bible

This program involves a detailed study of each Book of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Utilizing an 'Exegetical' approach, each book is examined verse-by-verse, or at least paragraph-by-paragraph. The goal of this program is to extract timeless Biblical principles from these books and then make them relevant and applicable to the student.

Elemental Theology

This two-part program (101 & 102) provides an explanation of the major Christian beliefs taught in the Bible. It is designed for those with a minimum of theological familiarity, yet it is weighty enough to stretch those who are already comfortable with the doctrines of theology. In addition to offering a comprehensive overview of Christian theology based on the inerrant Word of God, it encourages a deeper, more intimate relationship with God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit—prayerfully leading into a lifestyle of righteousness.


This program is designed to address the most pressing grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and usage questions in the English language. It will also assist students in constructing sentences and paragraphs for written communication in ministry. Regardless of the program or level of study, it is highly recommended to take this section within the first school year, as it is mandatory.

Manners & Customs

This four-part program (with only 101 & 102 required for completion) will immerse students in the lifestyles and traditions of the Bible's writers and characters, providing a clearer understanding of God’s Word. Since the Bible was written in a culture and land vastly different from our own, it is essential for students to grasp the manners (what they did) and customs (how they did it) of that time in order to fully comprehend the Scriptures.


This program will help the student build problem-solving skills, utilizing the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Problem-solving skills in mathematics go beyond these basics and have the ability to assist the student in logically thinking through Biblical interpretation and life’s toughest situations.

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