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Bachelor's Diploma Program

Books of the Bible

This program involves a detailed study of each Book of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Employing an 'Exegetical' approach, each book is examined verse-by-verse, or at least paragraph-by-paragraph. The objective of this program is to extract timeless Biblical principles from the books and then relate them to the students in a relevant and applicable manner. Depending on the length of the book, it may take more than a quarter to complete, or multiple Books of the Bible may be included.


This two-part program lays the foundation for the Chaplaincy ministry. Part One explores the universal concerns of this ministry, providing a unique perspective into the areas where the Chaplain serves. In Part Two, students will be exposed to strategies for addressing spiritual, emotional, psychological, and physical crises, along with home, hospital, and hospice care visitations.

Christian Doctrine

This two-part program provides a detailed examination of the 20 most utilized (and sometimes controversial) doctrines of Christianity. These doctrines are commonly found in the Doctrinal Statements (Articles of Faith) of many churches and para-church ministries. The instructional methods for this program include large and small group discussions based on the Scriptures, the inerrant Word of God.


This program is designed to explore the process of 'Discipleship.' By closely examining the essential elements required for a believer to become a true disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ, students will gain awareness of their position on the continuum of spiritual maturity. The objective is to motivate each student to intentionally take the necessary steps to grow towards Christ-likeness.


This two-part program is designed to prepare students to interpret God’s Holy Word for themselves without the aid of commentaries. They will achieve this by using their own Bible and various Biblical reference materials, some of which are the same resources utilized by the authors of our commentaries.


Homiletics is the Art & Science of Preaching, with the art encompassing the task itself and the science comprising the rules governing this discipline. This two-part course will not only emphasize preaching but also teaching. It is designed to offer a comprehensive study on the ministries of teaching and preaching, providing a broad spectrum of knowledge, including qualifications, call, challenges, lesson/sermon preparation, structure, delivery, types, selecting and organizing a library, and public prayer.

Manners & Customs

This four-part program (with only 201 & 202 required for completion) will immerse students in the lifestyles and traditions of the Bible's writers and characters, providing a clearer understanding of God’s Word. Since the Bible was written in a culture and land vastly different from our own, it is essential for students to grasp the manners (what they did) and customs (how they did it) of that time to fully comprehend the Scriptures.

Public Speaking

This program is designed to enhance the student's effectiveness in delivering presentations by building upon their existing knowledge and skills. It is not focused on making speeches but on the dissemination of Biblical truth, encompassing both evangelistic and discipleship aspects. The program will address activities before, during, and after a presentation and is divided into two parts: 1) tutorial and 2) application.

Systematic Theology

This two-part program offers a deeper and more comprehensive study of the ten fundamental doctrines of the Christian Faith. Grounded in the conviction that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, this course further encourages students to develop a more intimate relationship with their Creator, Savior, and God.

The Deity of Christ

This program offers an in-depth examination of the Deity of Christ, utilizing Old Testament prophecies, New Testament Scriptures, Theophanies, His Incarnation, His Attributes, His Miracles, and His Teachings. Upon completion of this course, students will gain the confidence to Biblically support their belief in the Deity of Christ.

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