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Bible Diploma Program List

Introduction to Systematic Theology

This two-part (098 & 099) program will enable the student to explore the ten (10) basic doctrines of Christianity. The student will learn where these doctrines are found throughout the Scriptures and how they can be applied to everyday Christian life. These are for two (2) credits.

Introduction to Hermeneutics

This two-part (098 & 099) program is a study of the discipline of Hermeneutics—“the Art and Science of Biblical Interpretation.” The “Art” is the task of interpreting the Scriptures, and the “Science” is the boundaries of this discipline. This program is designed for those who have limited, to no, experience on how to interpret the Scriptures. These are for two (2) credits.


This non-mandatory program is to make up the Credit Hour requirements for the Bible Diploma.

Books of the Bible

This program is actually a study of each Book of the Bible: Genesis – Revelation. Utilizing an “Exegetical” approach, each book is studied verse-by-verse—when feasible (or at least paragraph-by paragraph). The goal of these courses is to glean the timeless Biblical principles from these books to make them relevant and applicable to the student. Depending on the length of the book, the book may have more than one (1) quarter to complete, (i.e., Genesis and Psalm) or more than one Book of the Bible may be part of a single section (i.e., Colossians/Philemon or 1,2,3 John/Jude).


This program is designed to help the student understand prayer as the primary way for Believers to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and ideas—while at the same time fellowshipping with their God. They will be introduced to various types of prayer and a variety of ways to pray. This program will assist in increasing one’s faith—while utilizing the power of the Holy Spirit.

How to Study the Bible

This program aids you in studying the Word of God as it takes you through the step-by-step process of the “Inductive Study Method.” This method of studying the Bible forces you to wait for the conclusion of the process to uncover the truth therein; this will prevent your previous knowledge, feelings, and/or opinions from influencing your interpretation of the text.

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