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Doctorate Diploma Program List


These are non-mandatory program to make up the Credit Hour requirements for a Doctorate Degree.

Book of the Bible

This program is actually a study of each Book of the Bible: Genesis – Revelation. Utilizing an “Exegetical” approach, each book is studied verse-by-verse (or at least paragraph-by paragraph). The goal of this program is to glean the timeless Biblical principles from these books and then to make it relevant and applicable to the student. Depending on the length of the book, the book may have more than one quarter to complete, or more than one Book of the Bible may be part of a single section.


The Doctorate Degree requires a 150 page Thesis dealing with an advisor approved subject in Christianity, Ministry, or Doctrine—which must be supported Biblically. The paper must be type-written and double spaced. The dissertation is worth eighteen (18) credit hours. The cost of these 18 hours is due upon the approval of this dissertation.

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