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ETA Program

Beyond Reasonable Doubt

Besides personal faith in God, is there any evidence to substantiate the claims of Christianity? You be the judge! An introduction to the study of apologetics, this book will take you step-by-step through well-documented evidence. Whether you are a skeptic or a believer, it will help you reach a verdict – one that could very well change your life!

Biblical Beliefs

This program presents foundational Bible doctrines in a popular, easy-to-understand format. Covered topics include creation and the fall of man, faith, regeneration, justification and adoption, prayer and worship, angels, Satan, resurrection and judgment, and the church.

Biblical Leadership

This class helps believers grasp a New Testament picture of leadership that is person-centered and team-centered. Whether you are a pastor, Christian educator, youth worker, or Sunday school teacher, taking this class will help you hone your skills and increase your vision as a leader.

Christian Ethics in a Postmodern World

For Christians, ethics must be rooted in the absolutes of God’s Word. This program examines critical questions such as abortion, euthanasia, bioethics, human sexuality, politics, war, capital punishment, race, the arts, and the environment from a biblical viewpoint.

Evangelism for the 21 st Century

Evangelism today is both similar and significantly different from any other time in history. The world of the first disciples was characterized by idolatry, political corruption, and gross immorality, much like our own culture. To navigate this context, we must be bold, offer hope, be genuine, build relationships, and emphasize wholeness.

Exalt His Name: Understanding Music & Worship 1

The Psalmist draws all of life into proper perspective, reminding us to magnify and exalt the name of the Lord together. His 'Oh ... let us [magnify and exalt]' is not a recommendation to be considered; it is an imperative to be obeyed. Four essential ingredients to this imperative deserve attention. The first three essentials are relatively easy to understand and follow. Pondering the last essential, '...with me, together...' may take a bit more time than the purpose for this study.

Exalt His Name: Understanding Music & Worship – 2

This program serves as a resource tool for individuals, worship teams, worship leaders, and pastors to use in practicing worship. While 'music' is in the book’s subtitle, it is not a fundamental, technique, or methods ('how to') resource. Instead, it is a handbook that provides biblical, historic, and philosophical principles for the use of music in worship.

Growing Toward Spiritual Maturity

A strategy for growing toward Christ-likeness must be based on the actual ways that people grow and develop into maturity in Christ. By identifying and understanding how we grow spiritually, we become more intentional in our use of time and methods.

New Testament Survey

This study brings unity and chronological sequence to the New Testament by weaving the contents of the books around a central theme—the person of Christ. Divisions include the Synoptic Gospels, Gospel of John, Book of Acts, Pauline Epistles in chronological order, the General Epistles, and the Book of Revelation.

Old Testament Survey – Part 1: Genesis to Esther

A sweeping overview of God’s working from creation to the early days of His chosen people. Topics include the Patriarchs, Israel’s Promised Land trek, David’s Reign, Solomon’s Kingdom, and the Kingdom of Judah leading to the Exile.

Old Testament Survey – Part 2: Job to Malachi

The messages found in the books of poetry and prophecy offer insight into God’s dealings with His people. This program relates the great writings of the prophets to us today, presented in chronological sequence to avoid duplication of historical background information.

Perspectives from Church History

Written as a basic introduction to the subject, this program covers the major periods of church history: Ancient Church, Medieval Church, Reformation Church, and Modern Church. It is designed to provide Christians with an overview of their spiritual heritage.

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