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Master's Diploma Program

Biblical Theology

This two-part program is designed to provide the student with a comprehensive study in 'Biblical Theology'—a chronological approach to examining how our Great God dealt with humanity, both saints and sinners. This examination will take them through the twelve (12) stages of 'Biblical Theology,' including the nine (9) of the Old Testament and the three (3) stages of the New Testament. The program will also guide the student chronologically through each of the eight (8) covenants of the Bible. Finally, the student will appreciate how each book of the Bible influences the 12 stages of Biblical Theology.

Book of the Bible

This program involves a detailed study of each Book of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Utilizing an 'Exegetical' approach, each book is examined verse-by-verse, or at least paragraph-by-paragraph. The goal of this program is to extract timeless Biblical principles from these books and then make them relevant and applicable to the student.

Christian Counseling

This is a three-part program (301, 302, & 303). Christian Counseling is defined as the Bibliocentric assistance in addressing a wide range of concerns (i.e., sin, guilt & shame, past hurts, unforgiveness, spiritual growth, and basic humanistic concerns). Part 301 is designed to lay a foundation for the ministry of Christian Counseling through examining its description, goals, objectives, stages, code of ethics, and the referral process. Part 302 primarily addresses addictions, including Alcohol and other Drug Awareness, The Disease Concept, Addictions other than AOD, Pathological Gambling, and What the Non-professional can do to Help the Addicted Person. Part 303 deals with a myriad of humanistic concerns, such as Stress, Depression, Suicide, Grief Recovery, Anger Management, Ministering to Homosexuals, Divorce & Re-Marriage, and Basic Mediation Training.

Church Administration

This program is designed to provide a wide range of information for Senior, Assistant, and Associate Pastors, as well as prospective pastors, Church Administrators, and Office Managers of the local Church to assist them with a variety of administrative functions.

Church History

This two-part program is designed to provide the student with a comprehensive study in 'Church History'—a chronological approach to examining how our Great God used human affairs to evolve His Church and Doctrine. This examination will take them through the last two thousand years of Church History: starting with the Apostles (at the close of the book of Acts; A.D. 64) and concluding with modern-day Christian Leaders such as Mother Teresa and Billy Graham (A.D. 2009). Part 101 will cover events taking place during A.D. 64 - 1295, and Part 102 will cover the events taking place during A.D. 1294 - 2009.

Greek (Language)

This three-part program is a study of 'Koine Greek,' the common Greek spoken during the New Testament. As a beginning student of New Testament Greek, one will gain a working knowledge of this Biblical language. Starting with the basics—the Greek alphabet and fundamentals of pronunciation—it guides the student step-by-step through grammar, usage, and translation strategies.

Hebrew (Language)

This three-part program is a study of 'Biblical Hebrew,' the common Hebrew spoken during the Old Testament. As a beginning student of Old Testament Hebrew, one will gain a working knowledge of this Biblical language. Starting with the basics—the Hebrew alphabet and fundamentals of pronunciation—it guides the student step-by-step through grammar, usage, and translation strategies.

Sound like a good fit? Take the next step now! 

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