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Elijah J. Span has been married to but one wife, Margie, since 1985.  They have two lovely daughters: Tiffany & Sholanda, and three beautiful granddaughters: Tiffany, Shayla, & Tyla.


Pastor Elijah, as he prefers to be addressed, has been a servant of the Gospel Ministry, since 1985.  During that time, he has earned 60 CEU’s from the Association of Christian Schools International, 8 CEU’s from Moody Bible Institute, a Christian Education Instructor License from the Evangelical Training Association (2016), a Bible Diploma (2016), Bachelor’s (2016), and Master’s Degrees (2019) from Maranatha Bible College & Institute, and he is currently working on his Doctorate in Religious Studies.


Pastor Elijah has served as the Youth Director and the Director of Christian Education, at Second Lakeview Baptist Church, the Director General and 2nd Vice Moderator, of the Christian Education Congress, of the Liberty Baptist District Association.  Having pastored Straightway Bible Fellowship for 27 years, he is now the retired Pastor Emeritus; after that, he served as the Interim Pastor of the Second Lakeview Baptist Church for several years.  He now serves as the president of Maranatha Bible College & Institute (January 2020)—where he previously served as a Dean and Board Member.  He also serves as the CEO of “Victory in the Word” a FREE Christian Education Resource for local Churches and the previous host of a weekly Christian radio broadcast, of the same name—for 12 years—on WABQ & WHKW.


All of these, God given accomplishments put aside, Pastor Elijah derives his greatest joy from his passion of simply teaching God’s Word to God’s people.



The Board of Trustees, the staff, and faculty welcome you to Maranatha Bible College & Institute (MBCI)—where God’s Word rules supreme. As you may have noticed, “Bible” is our middle name. Our Board of Trustees has made it their priority to ensure that this college has the leadership, faculty, and resources for your academic success. Our staff is here to assist you in any way possible — in reaching your scholastic goals. Our faculty is fully invested in your success—academically, your personal growth, and your preparedness for Christian ministry (service). One of the ways in which our Board, our staff, and our faculty demonstrate their commitment to you, this college, and the Lord is that not one of them is monetarily compensated by MBCI. Another way is by their tireless effort—working many hours away from the college—with you and your classmates in mind.

We encourage you to share this gem on the corner of E.137th and Kinsman Rd. with others. Please consider who you might know that can be blessed by what is going on here. We also solicit your prayers; please ask our Great God to continue to supply our every need and let’s not forget to thank Him for his faithfulness over 43 years.

Elijah J. Span,
President, MBCI

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