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Our Christian Bible University offers an enriching Associate Diploma program designed to provide a well-rounded education. This program encompasses various aspects of Christian studies and practical application. Students embark on a transformative journey, completing a curriculum that is dedicated to the Bible Diploma, laying a strong foundation in biblical knowledge.

The remaining credit hours are thoughtfully distributed across five distinct Fields of Study: Education, Books of the Bible, Theology, Bible Knowledge, and Electives. This diverse curriculum ensures that students not only gain a deep understanding of biblical principles but also explore broader subjects relevant to their spiritual and academic growth.

As part of our commitment to holistic education, we encourage students to refer to the Graduation Requirement Chart available throughout MBCI for a detailed overview. This chart serves as a guide, outlining the milestones and expectations as students progress through their Associate Degree journey. Our goal is to nurture individuals who not only possess a solid biblical foundation but also emerge as well-rounded contributors to their communities and beyond.

ETA Courses

Explore transformative learning with our Evangelical Training Association (ETA) courses, designed to equip you for global ministry through comprehensive levels of study.

Associates Degree Courses

Begin your educational odyssey with our Associate's Degree. A program offering a solid foundation in biblical knowledge and preparing you for diverse fields of study.

Bachelors Degree Courses

Immerse yourself in an educational experience with our Bachelor's Degree programs, that deepen your understand-ing of Christian principles and empower you for impactful ministry and service.

Masters Degree Courses

Elevate your academic and spiritual journey with our Master's Degree programs, that pave the way for advanced understanding and impactful contributions in your chosen field.

Sound like a good fit? Take the next step now! 

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